MWC 10 in 10 Questions
- What brings you to the show? How many years?
- Most exciting keynote? Best booth?
- Keeping to the leaders in our industry, living – who would you invite for dinner?
- Who do you benchmark yourself against individual and/or company and why
- What is just hype? or not as good as the buzz makes it out to be? and what is a true tech breakthrough here this year?
- Best Party/ Favorite MWC tradition?/ Fav Tapas Bar/ After Event Hang out spot?
- Of the UN Sustainability Goals that are supported by the GSMA here in MWC what is the one you are most interested in/supportive of/ relevant to your solution/technology ect.
- If you could tell the MNO’s one thing in order for them to make money in the future…or just continue the road to dumb pipe? What would that be/ What would you change?
- Would you like to collaborate with anyone to help drive change and do good using your tech/solution in the world?
- Mar Question? Tech Nostolgia/ Whats your favorite? what one peice of tech you can’t live with out
- GAME ROUND/Bonus Round
- Good or Bad rapid fire round
- AI? Good or Bad?
- Self Driving Cars? Good or Bad
- Elon Musk? Good or Bad?
- THIS OR THAT rapid fire round
- Metaverse or AI?
- Apple vs Android?
- Holographs or VR?
- flying selfie sticks vs pippa the robo-dog?